
Deciding on the plans for your affairs in the event of death is never easy. Should the unexpected happen, having these details in order could alleviate a heavy burden on your loved ones. Nutanix provides a variety of considerations and resources to help.

Checklist | Emotional Support for You and Your Family | Survivor Benefits | Life Insurance Information | Update Your Beneficiaries | Confirm Workday Details | Estate Planning


The following checklist can help you with important planning decisions.

  1. Set up a will and/or a trust. If you already have one, review it regularly and make any necessary changes with your estate planner or lawyer.
  2. Make sure your beneficiaries are up to date.
  3. Make a list of your assets.
  4. Determine your end-of-life housing plans, such as an assisted living facility or nursing home.
  5. Write down your final wishes, including funeral plans and burial arrangements.
  6. Store these details in a secure place—and make sure your beneficiaries know where they are.
Death Claims

If something happens to you or a family member, Nutanix is here to help. No matter who needs support, the Nutanix People Team can provide guidance about making updates to benefits, continuing coverage through COBRA, life insurance continuation, how to file a life insurance claim, how to initiate a retirement plan distribution, and more.

Learn more about steps to take if there’s a death in the family.

Contact the People Team for further assistance:

Emotional Support for You and Your Family

Nutanix offers two different programs for you and your dependents to give you emotional support during these difficult conversations.

Concern, our EAP provider, offers free and confidential counseling 24/7. Get financial advice, legal referrals, and more. Visit Concern (access code: nutanix) or call 800-344-4222.

Headspace provides mental wellbeing support from therapists through chat. This on-demand access to behavioral health coaches and personalized, interactive content is available anytime to support you. Visit the Headspace website to learn more. (Headspace is available to anyone 18 years and older who is enrolled in a Nutanix medical plan.)

Survivor Benefits

As a Nutanix employee, you pay Social Security taxes, and some of that money is for survivor benefits. Learn more about survivor benefits and if your dependents will be eligible on the Social Security website.

Life Insurance Information

Nutanix provides basic life insurance at no cost to you. You can also elect voluntary coverage to increase the benefits paid to your beneficiary(ies). You're able to add coverage as a new hire and add or increase coverage during annual open enrollment. You can view your Life Insurance coverage and elections in Workday by navigating to the Benefits Icon > View Benefit Elections. Be sure to record your insurance coverage details in your end-of-life planning.

Update Your Beneficiaries

Make sure beneficiary information is always up to date.

Confirm Workday Details

Visit Workday to confirm or make any necessary changes to your emergency contacts or your address.

Estate Planning

If you have a will or living trust, be sure to contact your advisor or lawyer to make any necessary changes to ensure it's up to date. Concern, our EAP provider, offers resources and access to a legal consultation and discounts on services should you want to establish a will or trust. Visit Concern (access code: nutanix) or call 800-344-4222.

Estate Planning With ARAG Legal Insurance and Identity Theft Protection

If you’re enrolled in the ARAG Legal Insurance and Identity Theft Protection plan, you can get help with planning for estate matters and related end-of-life concerns. Learn more.