Need help balancing life’s demands?

Nutanix offers a global Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Optum that can help you balance the demands of both your work and home responsibilities. The program is free and completely confidential — no individual information is shared with Nutanix, and this benefit is available 24/7, 365 days a year to both you and your family members.

The EAP provides resources to help you with a variety of issues related to family, relationships, career, finances and emotional health. Benefits under the EAP include:

  • 24/7 telephone counseling and lifestyle advice/support
  • Up to six face-to-face counseling sessions per issue each year
  • Independent legal and financial advice, delivered by experts
  • Tobacco cessation program
  • Dedicated helpline for managers
  • Specialist advice and general information about benefits, healthcare, social services, child and dependent care, identify theft and pre-travel support

For more information about available services through the EAP, visit Optum’s website at (access code: nutanix) or call 866-248-4094.